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Billing Related Question & Answer:

Serial No



1 What is Demand Charge? Demand charges are additional fees that utilities charge non-residential or commercial customers for maintaining constant supply of electricity. It has a fixed rate for each of the tariff and imposed by multiplying with Sanction Load. 
2 What is Sur Charge? A surcharge is an extra fee, charge, or tax that is added on to the real monthly electricity bill for different reasons or penalty. 
3 What is Service Charge? This is actually other charges outside the monthly electricity bill. Consumers need to pay these charges for different kinds of facilites like Disconnection/Reconnection, Load Change, Meter Change etc.
4 What is Minimum Charge? The minimum charge which a consumer needs to pay for zero consumption. 
5 What is VAT/Musok in billing? There is 5% VAT applicable in billing.
6 What is Electricity Charge? Electricity Charge is the summation Electricity usage of a definite tariff at a fixed rate with demand charge and vat (if there is any surcharge or arrear amount, that should be added).
7 What is Arrear in bill? If a consumer failed to pay his bill before the deadline then he has to pay his bill in the nex month where the previous month bill amount will be considered as arrear bill.
8 What is Late fee in bill? Late fee means the additional bill or penalty which is imposed on monthly bill if the consumer failed to pay his bill before deadline.
9 What is Tarrif/Rate? Tariff/Rate means the category/class of the consumer and defines at which rate he will be charged for his electricity consumption.
10 What is Sanction/Authorized Load? Sanctioned Load means the load in kilo watt (kW), which the licensee has agreed to supply from time to time subject to the governing terms and conditions between the Distribution licensee and the consumer.
11 What is Lifeline and Slab of Residential billing? Lifeline of Residential bill means the consumption of electricity between 0 to 25 units and slab defines based on the consumption at which rate the consumer will be charged for per unit consumption. 
12 How to Save Eletricity bill? By using power saving electric appliances and using the electricity equipments efficiently as well as being concerned, a consumer can minimize his electricity bill. 
13 What is the meaning of Customer Number? Consumer number is a 9 digit unique number for every consumer which is meaningful. Here first 3 digits define Office Code, Next 1 digit defines substation code, Next 1 digit defines feeder code, Next 2 digits define book no, final 2 digits define page no. 
14 What is the meaning of Billing Number? Bill Number is a 13 digit unique number the consists of yymm+Consumer Number. Suppose, for the consumer holding consumer of 104120615, for him the bill number of June'21 will be 2106104120615. 
15 How to get Manual Bill Ledger? Contact your distribution office and application to Executive/Residental Engineer.
16 Which government organization fixed energy rate? BERC = Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission 


New Connection Related Question & Answer:

Serial No



1 What is Low Tension (LT) /Medium Tension (MT)/High Tension (HT) /Extra High Tension (EHT) Connection? Low Tension (LT): Single Phase (1P) 230 Volt and Three Phase (3P) 400 Volt
Medium Tension (MT): Three Phase (3P) 11 kilo Volt (kV)
High Tension (HT) : Three Phase (3P) 33 kilo Volt (kV)
Extra High Tension (EHT): Three Phase (3P) 132 kilo Volt (kV) and 230 132 kilo Volt (kV).
2 What is Electricity Frequency? Electrical frequency is the measure of the rate of that oscillation and is measured in the number of changes per second – also called hertz (Hz). In Bangladesh Electrical frequency is 50Hz.
3 What is Single-Phase and Three-Phase Power Line? In electricity, the phase refers to the distribution of a load.
Single-phase power is a two-wire alternating current (ac) power circuit. Typically, there is one power wire-the phase wire and one neutral wire
Three-phase power is a three-wire ac power circuit with each phase ac signal 120 electrical degrees apart.
Residential homes are usually served by a single-phase power supply, while commercial and industrial facilities usually use a three-phase supply.
4 What are Flat/Peak/Off-Peak Hours in terms of Consume of Electricity? Generally, duration of 11:00 pm to 5:00 pm of the following day will be considered as off-peak hour for all applicable consumer category. But only for LT-D3 & MT-7 consumers category the duration of 11:00 pm to 5:00 am of the following day and duration of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm of any day will be considered as off-peak hour.
5 How many days need to get Low Tension (LT), Medium Tension (MT)  and High Tension (HT) new connection after submit application? For Low Tension (LT) need 7 days, For Medium Tension (MT)  and High Tension (HT) 18 days.
6 Which documents need for Residential New Connection application? Necessary Documents:
1. National Identity Card (NID)/ 1 passport size photo if applicable;
2. Land ownership deed or Lease deed or Mutation deed, Inheritance Certificate if not the original owner;
3. A copy of the paid bill of if there is a existing connection (for more new conncetion for same name or place
No more documents required);
4. Fire extinguishing certificate in case of multi-storey building (more than 10 storeys);
5. RAJUK/CDA/KDA/RDA and in other cases City Corporation/Municipality Approved
Building plan, holding number (if applicable).
[Note: If the residential customer's load is above 50 kW, approval will be required to start a substation in the office of the Chief Electricity Inspector]
7 Which documents need for Commercial New Connection application? Necessary Documents:
1. National Identity Card (NID)/ 1 passport size photo if applicable;
2. Land ownership deed or lease deed or Mutation deed, Inheritance Certificate if not the original owner;
3. A copy of the paid bill of if there is a existing connection (for more new conncetion for same name or place
No more documents required);
4. Fire extinguishing certificate in case of commercial building (more than 10 storeys);
5. RAJUK/CDA/KDA/RDA and in other cases City Corporation/Municipality Approved
Building plan, holding number (if applicable);
6. In case of HT connection, approval will be required to start a substation in the office of the Chief Electricity Inspector.
8 Which documents need for Industrial New Connection application? Necessary Documents:
1. National Identity Card (NID)/ 1 passport size photo if applicable;
2. Land ownership deed or lease deed or Mutation deed, Inheritance Certificate if not the original owner;
3. A copy of the paid bill of if there is a existing connection (for more new conncetion for same name or place
No more documents required);
4. RAJUK/CDA/KDA/RDA and in other cases City Corporation/Municipality Approved
Building plan, holding number (if applicable);
5. In case of industrial connection, if the load exceeds 50 kW, the office of the Chief Electricity Inspector
9 Which documents need for Educational/Religional/Service/Hospital New Connection application? Necessary Documents:
1. Photocopy of National Identity Card (of the nominee of the organization);
2. Land ownership deeds or lease deeds;
3. A copy of the paid bill of if there is a existing connection;
4. Building plan, holding number (where applicable) approved by City Corporation/Municipality/Government in RAJUK/CDA/KDA/RDA and other cases;
5. In case of multi-storey building (more than 10 storeys) fire extinguishing certificate (if applicable) is required.
10 Which documents need for Social/Commercial/Construction Temporary New Connection application? Necessary Documents:
1. Passport size photo (of the nominee of the organization);
2. Photocopy of National Identity Card (nominated by the organization);
3. Authorization for social or commercial activities;
4. Power of Attorney issued by the land owner if the building is constructed by the developer.
11 Which documents need for Irrigation New Connection? Necessary Documents:
1. Passport size photo (in case of nominee of the person / organization);
2. Photocopy of National Identity Card (nominated by the organization);
3. Irrigation Committee Approval Letter.
12 How to check status of new connection application? Go to the following link and insert your tracking number and pin number. //newconnection.wzpdcl.gov.bd/Application/ViewStatus
13 Why New Connection application rejected? Some reasons for New Application rejection:
1. Necessary Documents not properly uploaded
2. Wrong Documents uploaded
3. NID, Name Address, Mobile Number etc mismatch
4. Application Fee does not paid within due time.
14 What is Installation Test Report/Wiring Certificate and why it is need to New Connection Application? Installation Test Report (also called an Wiring Certificate) is a test certificate produced by Office of the Chief Electric Inspector authorized electrician/Organization after they’ve carried out wiring work. It confirms that they’ve tested the work and it’s safe.
15 How to get New Connection Estimate Cost and Demand Cost Report? Go to the following link and insert your tracking number and pin number.  //newconnection.wzpdcl.gov.bd/Reports/ConsumerCostReport


Prepaid Related Question & Answer:

Serial No



1 What is Prepaid Meter Token Number and Sequence and Why Sequence Missing? Token Number is a serial number of vending system and Sequence Number is an Encrypted string of Alphanumeric characters. Sequence Missing for Wrong Vending or Arrear bill pending or any illegal occurance.
2 How to check Prepaid Meter Balance? For BSECO prepaid meter press 801 then press Enter button.
For Inhe prepaid meter press 00 then press Enter button.
For Hexing prepaid meter press 801 then press Enter button.
3 Why Meter consume more Balance? For one meter earthing system shorted with another meter earthing system i.e., earthing common problem.
4 How to solve wrong Vending/Recharge? Call Call center(16117) or contact with distribution office.
5 How to solve Meter lock problem? Contact with distribuiton office.


General Question & Answer:

Serial No



1 Which is WZPDCL Call Center Hotline Number? WZPDCL Call Center Hotline Number is 16117?
2 When WZPDCL Call Center Hotline Number is open? 24/7 hours service.
3 How to assign Flat/Shop/Office renter mobile number as secondary mobile number with a Customer Number? By installing WZPDCL Customer Service App on your Smart Phone then login with Mobile Number and  Customer Number. After successfully logged Customer can add secondary mobile number as Flat/Shop/Office renter as real consumer.
4 What is Prepaid Meter Friendly Hour/Holidays facilities? Friendly Hour Benefit is that even if there is no balance on the prepaid meter, the power connection will be uninterrupted for 3 consecutive working days from 4 pm to 10 am the next day and the Benefit of holidays is that even if there is no balance in the prepaid meter, the electricity connection will be uninterrupted 24 hours on all public holidays and weekends Fridays and Saturdays.
5 How to download WZPDCL Customer Service Android Mobile App? Search WZPDCL in google play store and install it for Customer Self Service.
6 What is WZPDCL Main web portal and field office web portal address? www.wzpdcl.gov.bd is main website of WZPDCL and access distribution office subdomain through Local Administration Portal like www.wzpdcl.bagerhat.gov.bd
7 What is WZPDCL New Connection web address? www.newconnection.wzpdcl.gov.bd
8 What is WZPDCL Complaint web address? www.customercare.wzpdcl.gov.bd
9 What is WZPDCL Bill on Web website address? http://ebill.wzpdcl.gov.bd:7070/ords/f?p=1009:1009
10 What is Power Division web address? //powerdivision.gov.bd/
11 What is Power Division Complaint web address? //complain.mpemr.gov.bd/
12 How submit Complaint and Track status? Browse the link www.customercare.wzpdcl.gov.bd then search for complaint resolution status with complaint token ID or mobile number or customer number.
13 How to got Customer Clearance Certificate? Contact with distribuiton office and application to Executive/Residential Engineer.
14 What are payment gateways to pay Electricity bill through online? Available Online Payment Gateways:
1. bKash
2. Rocket
3. Grameenphone GPay
4. Robi RobiCash
5. EkPay